New Order

Still got pictures of friends on the wall
I suppose we aren’t really friends anymore
Maybe I shouldn’t ever have called
That thing friendly at all


Волшебство не прекращает литься из Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino.

Альбом, который я могу слушать, не прекращая. Будто одна цельная песня, которая может создать атмосферу любого момента в моей жизни.

I just wanna to be one of…


Не могу не оставить здесь пост о любви к Алексу Тёрнеру. Нет ни одной песни Arctic Monkeys, которая бы мне не нравилась, саундтрек к «Субмарине» — вообще что-то запредельно нежное и мечтательное, а The Last Shadow Puppets выпускают какое-то особое магическое переплетение мелодий. Его голос завораживает (честно, без всяких фанатских причуд), а хитросплетения образов делает музыку обтекаемой.

Ещё один концерт на карту желаний. Это нужно увидеть вживую! Пусть лысого, пусть заросшего, но такого же творчески вдохновлённого и самобытного.


If you’re gonna try and walk on water, Make sure you wear your comfortable shoes

I suppose it’s time I wrote about this band because now I can’t even determine for how long I’ve been playing their songs on repeat. Firstly this discovery was made many years ago, I got acquainted to several songs, they were really great and that was the end (perhaps that moment RHCP appeared in my life). But two weeks ago I guess I happened to search for several new songs and got interested again. And this time my interest is much much deeper — I’ve listened to all albums and watched a bulk of live performances.

This band is Arctic Monkeys — a truly great musical organism of four people from Great Britain. At once I was a bit surprised at hearing the melodies of their latest album (AM) — that songs were different from what I had listened to several years before. And subsequently I fell in love with their music — from all previous records. And not just with the sound — but with lyrics too. Words which Alex Turner finds in his heart are so passionate and such good poems (ususally I don’t like poetry, but in this case — the connection between melodies, rhythms, words, symbols and meanings is so gorgeous that now I lack words too describe it, it’s can be describes in terms of feelings. The most impressive thing is that I don’t have favourite song. Almost equally and almost all songs from each album are of the same beauty to me. Listening to their music it’s impossible to cry — it’s more likely that you will dance. And you are obliged to sing! No third is given. Thanks for magical works!

